About Us
Sowing the
seeds of
Prophetic inheritence.
At Dar al Quran we provide quality education programmes and events with the aim of instilling a strong understanding of faith that is authentic and relevant to our context as New Zealand Muslims.
Historically Muslims from New Zealand who have wanted to learn about their faith have had to travel at great expense and with great difficulty to lands which are becoming increasingly inaccessible. Upon returning home they face the challenge of making their learnings relevant to the New Zealand context.
We aim to change this by providing quality meaningful Islamic education, access to leading Muslim scholars through tours and facilitating quality events to support Muslims to be Muslim in New Zealand.
The Dar is a project of the Lote Tree Trust. To find out more about the trust, visit www.lotetree.nz

The Dar is a project of the Lote Tree Trust.
To find out more about the trust visit www.lotetree.nz
Our Teachers
Ustadha Um Muhammad
Ustadha Um Muhammad is the Principal of Dar Al Quran. She had a background in politics and law before studying the Islamic Sciences in Jordan, Egypt, and Yemen. She specialises in Quran and holds ijazah (traditional teaching licence) from Egypt.
She served as the Principal of Dar Al Zahra one of the foremost Islamic seminaries in the world for women in Tarim, Yemen.
She has been involved in setting up three schools most recently a sustainable green Muslim school in Vanuatu. She runs classes for women and has her own Education Consultancy through which she trains teachers and develops resources.
Ustadha Ulfah
Ustadha Ulfah studied the Islamic sciences in Indonesia before migrating to New Zealand. She has completed her Bachelor of Arts in Early Childhood Education, and has experience teaching both young children and Muslim youth. Among the programmes she has run are the Baitul Ilm playgroup and Islamic classes for the TPQ madrasa in Mt Roskill.
Ustadha Ulfah has been a student of Dar al Quran’s full-time hifz programme and continues to further her Islamic education under Ustadha Um Muhammad.
Ustadh Ebraheem
Ustadh Ebraheem is a Hafidh of the Quran. He studied in South Africa where he was born and spent most of his childhood before completing his memorisation in New Zealand where he continues to pursue his islamic learning.
Ustadh Ebraheem currently teaches the Foundations Programme.
Ustadh Haamid
Ustadh Haamid memorised the Quran in Australia, learnt Arabic in Egypt and studied the Islamic sciences at the Dar Al Mustafa institute in Yemen.
Haamid teaches the Foundations Programme and other adult education programmes offered periodically through Dar Al Quran.
Ustadh Qays
Ustadh Qays is hafiz of Quran and has studied the Islamic sciences in Fiji, New Zealand, and South Africa. He has completed a certificate in Islamic Chaplaincy, and in addition to his Islamic studies, he has completed his Bachelors of Arts.
Beyond his formal studies, he has a passion for working with Muslim youth, and experience in serving and developing community programmes.